You are welcome at St. John's, Kanata North!
What do I need to know?

Here are some of the questions visitors ask us:

  • What is it like? St. John's is a theologically progressive community that uses worship resources from the Canadian Book of Alternative Services. Our worship is traditional but creatively flexible from time to time. Come on in. Try it out. Feel free to ask our greeters questions. 

  • What about my kids? While we don't currently have children's programming, kids are more than welcome within our church. Please do let your kids explore and participate in the liturgy as much as they would like. 

  • Where do I park? We come with a free parking lot (behind the rectory), and street parking is available.

  • What do I wear? Whatever you feel most comfortable in. Some people wear suits. Others are in jeans and a hoodie. All are welcome, just as they are. 

  • Do I have to take communion? This is God's table and all are welcome. If you feel moved to receive the sacrament, feel free to come forward. If you would rather simply have a blessing, just cross your arms over your chest at the altar rail. You are also welcome to just sit in your seat and enjoy the moment. 

  • Do I have to give money? Think of it like a family dinner. Members of the family are asked to contribute what they can. Guests are welcome without expectation. If you would like to make a donation, you can (either in the offering plates at the back of the church, through e-transfer, or with the 'give' button on this website) but it is not required.