Jesus taught us to care for others. We offer a ministry of ‘quiet caring’ to all members of this congregation...and to others.

  • St. John’s maintains a Pastoral Care Team that offers a ministry of 'quiet caring' to both members of our own congregation and many other people beyond our immediate fold.
  • Our ministry to members of our parish includes home visits, telephone contact, and the mailing of cards to express prayerful concerns.
  • We support those returning from hospital, the recently bereaved, or those otherwise in need of practical help in addition to spiritual support.
  • Pastoral care also includes prayer – and this may on a case-by-case basis, praying with, or for, the person being visited or cared about, as well as the private prayers of team members.
  • The team participates in the Anglican Pastoral Visitors Program at the Queensway-Carleton Hospital, coordinating its efforts with other Anglican churches in west-end Ottawa.  Weekly, our members visit any hospital patient who is identified as Anglican, ensuring such patients receive at least one pastoral visit during their stay at the hospital.

If you wish to be in touch with the Pastoral Care Team, please contact the Parish Office.